
Originally planned as the basis for a series of children's stories, Waldowood refers to the universe overseen by and lived in by Waldo T Dinosaur. Waldowood exists as a series of places, both imaginary and real, that define Waldo, his relationships, his interests, and customs.

Today, most references to Waldowood are to an HO-scale train village whose antecedents date back more than fifty years ago. Waldowood also refers to the apartment and surroundings in which Waldo lives as well as the mythical place where “people and friendly dinosaurs live in peace.

While Waldowood, the train village, is often described as is “just one train stop beyond Plasticville, in the imagination of your mind,” Waldowood, in all its forms, is actually always near wherever you find love.

Waldowood Online is the official online home for Waldowood and Waldo T. Dinosaur.

Notable Waldowood Events
Wiki Pages Implemented

Waldo T Dinosaur

Waldowood (train village)

Waldo Canasta

Waldowood Online Home Page